
土耳其米布丁 Turkey Rice Pudding 甜點食譜材料與做法

人生中第一次吃到土耳其料理的傳統米布丁(Turkey Rice Pudding),是在台北市的特洛伊土耳其餐廳。那一天和準備去紐西蘭進修英文的楊小華相約,替她辦了一場餞行。




《土耳其米布丁 Turkey Rice Pudding》用來記錄我曾經做過的土耳其米布丁,以及材料製作與烘烤過程中遇到的一些問題和解決心得。

土耳其米布丁食譜 Turkey Rice Pudding Recpie


  • 白米 一杯
  • 水 1又1/4杯
  • 全脂牛奶 五杯
  • 白砂糖 3/4杯
  • 洋菜粉 1/2匙
  • 香草精 適量


  1. 先將白米浸泡半小時,煮大約5到8分鐘,加入牛奶後,將火調到最小,再煮30-40分鐘。
  2. 煮的過程中要不斷攪拌,避免鍋底燒焦。最後幾分鐘加入砂糖、洋菜粉及香草精。
  3. 如果太稠而難以攪拌時,則可再加入適量牛奶。煮好後分裝到可以進烤箱的容器,
  4. 一般餐廳是用很厚的陶碗。
  5. 用250的上火烤20到25分,直到表面出現美麗的咖啡色痕跡。
  6. 最後可灑上肉桂粉或可可粉等。






  • 50 g short grain rice
  • 400 ml of water
  • 1 lt full fat milk
  • 1,5 ( or maybe 2) cup sugar
  • 4-5 pieces gum mastic
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg yolk (optional)
  • 1-2 tbsp butter (optional) 


  1. Boil rice till really soft with water without stirring. Add milk , boil until they are well cooked. When rice cooked they come up to the surface and circles easily in saucepan when boiling, so watch for this sign.
  2. Then start to stir and add sugar and salt, corporate. Add whole gum mastic pieces.They will melt with the heat. (Don’t crush them, if you crush they rise to the surface and stays as crunchy pieces).
  3. Remove from heat, let it cool down. If it is keeping it’s soup consistency distribute it to the oven proof cups, place in a tray, fill it with water and burn them under grill. (Since every rice is different, if you end up with thickish pudding you can add 1-2 cup milk and boil again to catch the right consistency.) Cool and cover with cling film, keep in the fridge.
  4. Serve them cool.. with gum mastic ice cream or extra syrup on top.. Or don’t burn them and sprinkle with cinnamon and consume as humble rice pudding.

土耳其米布丁(Sutlac Rice Pudding)食譜材料

  • 1 litre milk
  • 250 grams sugar
  • 100 grams rice
  • 1 tablespoon of rice flour
  • 3 – 4 teaspoons of vanilla sugar

Sutlac Rice Pudding 食譜作法

  1. Wash rice in cold water.
  2. Boil rice in water, enough to cover rice with.
  3. When rice expands, take off heat.
  4. Drain rice and mix in milk.
  5. Place rice and milk on heat when mixture begins to boil add sugar and stir slightly.
  6. Simmer until rice is cooked (approximately 10 minutes).
  7. Make a paste of the rice flower with a little amount of water and stir into milk mixture and continue stirring.
  8. Allow to simmer for a little while longer.
  9. Take off heat and add vanilla sugar.
  10. Pour sutlac into individual bowls and let cool. Sprinkle with cinamon.
  11. Serve cold.
  12. This is a delicious, light dessert enjoyed in the warmer weathers or after a rich meal of meat dishes or fried fish.



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