把資金從紐西蘭 ASB 銀行匯回臺灣的國際匯款教學

紐西蘭(NZ, New Zealand)打工度假旅行計畫(WHV, Working Holiday Visa)的夥伴們都會經歷過一件事情,就是在紐西蘭當地銀行開立帳號戶頭,除了讓雇主匯入薪資,方便紐西蘭政府查稅帳外,其實還有一個相當重要的原因,就是紐西蘭銀行的提款卡(ATM Card)非常方便好用。

如果你會在紐西蘭旅遊超過一周,我建議你去申請一張銀行提款卡。另外,紐西蘭銀行的存款利率非常高,在回台灣當時的存款年利率還有 7% 到 8% 左右,而且是用複利計算,相當驚人,全世界除了南非外很少有這麼高的銀行存款利率,又比南非來得安定,更讓人信賴。

由於紐西蘭銀行擁有這麼便利與高利率的優惠,是一個相當棒的投資標的,因此在回國當下索性將帳戶跟存款通通原封不動的放著,身上一枚紐幣都不留的直接回來(有點後悔,現在皮夾裡都是幾個去過國家的外幣,感覺很飽滿 XD)。

這幾年以來,紐西蘭歷經了幾次世界金融危機、火山爆發及基督城地震等事件,存款年利率已經被調降至大約 3 % 左右,雖然比我們銀行來的優惠,我還是決定將存在紐西蘭銀行的資金匯回來,以便能做更有效的投資。

我的作法是先登入 ASB 銀行的網路銀行系統(FastNet Classic),透過系統內的站內詢問機制(作為身分證明),寫了一封信給 ASB 的客服人員,請他們將我的存款匯回我在臺灣銀行(Bank of Taiwan)的帳戶。

一兩個工作天後,ASB 銀行立刻給了回應,他們提供的資訊很詳細,我乾脆公佈出來給有需要的朋友參考,相信官方版的操作教學絕對是最完善而且有效的方式(無效不退費)。

特別注意:我是在 ASB 銀行[1]開立帳戶,下面的作法不見得適用於你,紐西蘭還有 ANZ Bank、BNZ (Bank of New Zealand)、Westpac New Zealand、Kiwibank、HSBC New Zealand、TSB Bank 等眾多銀行,請自行洽詢所屬銀行服務人員。

ASB 銀行回信告知事項

Dear Vedfolnir,

Thank you for your message in regard to transferring funds to an overseas account from your ASB account. I have included information about making an International Money Transfer (IMT), associated fees and time frames below.

Making an IMT through FastNet Classic: To make an IMT via Fastnet Classic, simply click on the “Foreign Exchange” tab from the list of options on the left and follow the prompts. The maximum daily FastNet Classic transfer limit is currently $60,000.00 (NZ dollars). You will need to be registered for Netcode to send an IMT through FastNet Classic.  Netcode is a security system which protects your funds while accessing your accounts online.  For information on Netcode, please visit the following link: www.asb.co.nz/story997.aspx

Making an IMT through an ASB branch: You are able to arrange the IMT by visiting your local branch of ASB with 2 forms of ID including one photo ID and by supplying your account details. A representative will be able to assist you with this process. Alternatively, you can by access the links below, and print, complete and sign these forms, and add your contact details as we may need to make contact with you.   Once completed, please send the forms to your branch at the following address or fax number.

Please send the forms to: ASB Auckland 3011, P O Box 35, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, New Zealand OR Fax number: +64 9 3021815

IMT fees: ASB charges a fee of NZ$20.00 per IMT made through FastNet Classic, or NZ$25.00 per IMT made via an ASB branch. The funds may need to pass through one or more correspondent banks before arriving at the intended recipient bank. Any banks the funds pass through, including the receiving bank, may charge handling fees in relation to the IMT.  The fees charged by other banks are outside of ASB’s control. For IMTs processed through FastNet Classic, there is no option to have other bank fees charged back to your ASB account.  However, for IMTs processed through a branch you are able to nominate whether these are deducted from the amount sent or charged back to your ASB account.

IMT processing time frames: An IMT usually takes two to five working days to be deposited into the recipient bank account.  However, because the completion of the transfer is under the control of the overseas recipient bank, we are unable to guarantee that the funds will arrive by a certain date.  Some countries (eg USA, UK, Australia) will process transfers quicker than those that do not have automated systems.  Every effort is made by ASB to ensure that funds are received by the beneficiary in a timely manner. In addition to this, for any other queries you are welcome to send us a new message via My Messages. If the matter is urgent please call the Contact Centre on 0800 803 804 or +64-9 306 3000 and a Customer Service Representative will be happy to assist you.


ASB 銀行提供兩種國際匯款的方法:

第一種是申請 NetCode,也就是第二級密碼,身分驗證用。申請成功後便可以在網路銀行中直接轉帳。手續費比較便宜,只需要 20 元紐幣(NZD)。唯一的麻煩是必須要有原註冊的當地手機號碼或是到櫃台申請(遠目);


  1. 轉帳申請表(International Money Transfer Application Form,以下簡稱 IMT[2]
  2. 授權、賠償契約(Indemnity in Respect of Facsimile and Telephone Instructions,以下簡稱 IRFTI[3]

下載並詳細填寫與簽名上述兩份文件後,可透過郵件寄送或電話傳真[4]交付給 ASB 銀行。手續費為 25 元紐幣。


  • 轉出銀行:「ASB 銀行帳號」、「ASB 帳號名稱」、預備轉帳用的「國家貨幣」,以及預備匯款的「金額總額(文字及數字都要填寫)」。
  • 轉入銀行:「轉入銀行的 SWIFT 碼[5]、「收款人銀行帳號」、「銀行英文名稱」及「收款人帳戶名稱」。

最後,在授權、賠償契約表格(IRFTI)上簽名及填寫各個空白欄位後,將兩份文件共同郵寄或傳真到 ASB 銀行。

將文件寄出後就算完成所有的工作,接下來就是等 ASB 銀行的人員是否有其他補件的要求囉。


我將前面兩份文件傳真給 ASB 後,發生了兩個小插曲。

第一段,ASB 來信通知,我傳真過去的簽名與當初的簽名不一致,希望我重簽。我換個方式重簽一次再回傳就可以了;

第二段,ASB 告知我已經把款項匯到台銀後,輪到臺灣銀行的王小姐打電話通知我的帳號錯誤。我再次聯絡 ASB 才發現是對方寫錯了我的帳號(沒錯,是ASB自己寫錯 XD),ASB 立即替我更正資料並通知台銀,這點頗值得嘉許。

  1. ASB Bank Official Site
  2. ASB Bank: The International Money Transfer Application Form
  3. ASB Bank: Indemnity in respect of facsimile and telephone instructions
  4. 實體電話的傳真費用一張要100多元,你可參考本人另一篇文章《PamFax – 教你免費傳真文件到全世界》,能省下兩個便當喔。
  5. 【國際匯款】教你查詢各國銀行的 SWIFT/BIC Codes 匯款代碼
  6. 原文章首度發表於2011年7月14日。第一次修改日期為2014年12月7日。

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